Monday, 5 November 2012

180-degree rule

11th September 2012

The 180-degree rule

The 180-degree rule is a guideline where the camera can only remain on the one side of an invisible axis when two people or objects are in a shot, the camera can be placed anywhere within the 180 degree angle so that the subjects remain on the same side of each other. If it crosses the line the subjects will appear to have swapped positions and the viewers get disorientated. The only exception for crossing the line is when the viewers can see the camera moving over the line.

Youtube film studies: 180 degree rule

google: peter john ross 180 degree rule

Our preliminary task is to test our understanding of the 180 degree rule including the knowledge of these factors:
- continuity
- close ups (extreme) on objects
- objects passed
- where to place the camera when walking through a door

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