Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Questionnaire results

1.I tried to give my questionnaire to a relatively even number of ages, however I seem to have more 12-18 year olds who completed the questionnaire, this may be biased towards teenage views. 

2.I made sure that I gave the questionnaire to an even number of males and females so that I get unbiased results.

3. More people selected young children as the age group that would scare them the most and middle aged people were selected the as the age group that would scare them the least. From these results young children are likely to be included in my horror film opening.

4. More participants selected the character in ‘The Ring’ as the scariest character, this character is a young girl which correlates with the previous question of young children being the scariest age group. We are likely to include a young child as the villain.

5. Being psychologically terrified was the most common answer for this question, from this we will aim our film to be a psychological horror as that’s what most people expect

6.The results from this question were quite similar; the unknown was the most popular answer and ghosts the second. However from the previous results we are likely to include a young child as the villain and ghosts would be too much to include as well, but we will take into consideration using the unknown.

7.From the pie chart we can see that historic locations and urban areas were not chosen by any participants as their favourite setting, so we will not use these for our film because they are not popular. Haunted buildings and isolated areas were the most popular and chosen by an even number of participants so we will take both into consideration when planning our film.

8.From the pie chart we can see that the past of villains was not chosen as an expected opening to a horror film. The other three answers came back with very similar results but switch from action to flashback came back most popular. We like this idea of an opening and as more participants chose it we may use it in our opening.

9.The majority of the participants selected ‘sometimes’ for how much they enjoy watching horror films and all participants either selected rarely or occasionally for how often the watch horror films. This implies that participants probably aren’t that knowledgeable in horror conventions

10. From the chart we can see an even split between the options occasionally and rarely, suggesting that our participants are perhaps not too keen on horror films and probably don’t know that much about them and there typical conventions. If we gave our questionnaires to people that regularly watched horror we may have more reliable results in terms of what is popular/scary and what is not.  

11. The options masks, possessed objects and torture equipment were all evenly chosen. We will decide between these three as to what prop we should use. From previous questions it has become evident the masks are quite popular and therefore we may use this in our opening.

From these results we have decided that we are going to definitely do a horror film, it will be based on a masked male, because it was the most popular in question 11, who is perhaps mentally ill because of a past event and therefore this results in him being a brutal murderer killing innocent people, hopefully leaving the audience psychologically terrified. There will also be a young child in the film, they will probably be the victim of the masked murderer.

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