Monday, 22 April 2013

4.Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our target audience for our horror film would be aged between 15 to 25 years old. We decided to rate our film 15 as I think that our horror film could be quite disturbing for younger audiences because of the mask element. This age group are also more likely to watch horror films because they love the excitement and thrills they get from watching them. They also generally have more spare time to watch films because they are not caught up with family life unlike those over the age of around 30 and younger viewers around aged 15 do not have their work life to interrupt with their free time. They also have more disposable income to buy films and go to the cinema because again they do not necessarily have the worries of the older audiences. Teenagers and young adults are a more likely to want an adrenaline rush from being fearful of something in a film and the younger characters may likewise attract a younger audience as they can relate them more easily. This age group are also more likely to watch horror films socially with a group of friends.
I would like to think that our film would attract both males and females, but it’s clear that men are more likely to watch horror films because they are stereotypically expected to enjoy the blood and gore element compared to women who are usually put off by this convention and tend to enjoy genres such as comedy and romance more.
However, the female character in the film opening this may attract more females, this may encourage them to watch the film may be as part of a couple who are usually the secondary audience for such horror films which will boost the number of people viewing the film at cinemas.
In terms of social class I think that middle and working class citizens are more likely to watch our horror film compared to upper classes this is because they generally work longer hours and do not have the free social time to watch films. 

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